Spiritually Shaping Kids
Sharing Biblical truth with children that will impact their lives for eternity.
GraceLife Academy Values Christian Education and its Process.
We foster teaching and learning through developmental appropriate activities (mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually).
We aim to strengthen your child’s relationship with God and fellow students.
We train teachers to model Christlike character in all aspects of educational development.
We set and achieve goals based upon our firm belief in and commitment to these biblical truths:
- Jesus Christ is fully God and man, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified as the penalty for our sin, and was raised from the dead on the third day.
- Sinners are justified by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone and are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live meaningful lies in fellowship with God the Father.
- The Bible is the inspired Word of God, written without error, and is our highest authority. As such we stand firmly upon its historical truth and moral foundations. This includes,
but is not limited to, the biblical definition of marriage, the boundaries of sexuality and moral conduct, and the clear biblical teaching that gender is both sacred and established by God’s design.
Philosophy Of Education
To engage children by teaching truth through Biblical instruction, guided curriculum, and nurturing teaching designed to shape their character, family, and educational development.
Philosophy Of Discipline
To provide discipline that is Biblical, consistent, just, rooted in grace and love, and focused on the child’s best interest. We believe that when we teach Godly submission, we are teaching children to do the right thing for the right reason.
To love, protect, and instruct every child in our care, empowering them to reach their highest potential and stand strong in their faith.
To create a joyful and beautiful place of Christian learning, which is known for academic excellence founded on Biblical truth.