The mission of GraceLife Ascend enrichment programs is to empower young people to reach their highest potential while equipping them to stand firm in their faith in Jesus Christ.
The faculty of GraceLife Ascend considers it a great privilege to partner with local families to provide a secure, enriching environment where children thrive, forging friendships, and enjoying age-appropriate activities. Our dedicated staff cultivates confidence, creativity, and fellowship through spiritual and character development. We prioritize quality, supervised programs that spark new interests, encourage teamwork, and grant parents peace of mind. Transport options are available from select schools for convenience.
Our before & after school program is offered for children ages 5-12 on regular school days.
We also offer full-day programs for all out-of-school days and Special Enrichment Camps during school breaks, including Christmas Break, Spring Break and Summer Camp.
Hours of operation
Before school care 6:30am–7:40am (Pineville Elementry Students Only)
After-school care 2:00pm–6:00pm
Full day 6:30am–6:00pm
We are currently serving students from: Harrisburg, Springfield, McAlpine, South Charlotte Baptist, and Pineville Elementary schools. Transport options are available from select schools for convenience.
After School Fees
AM only - $50/wk
PM only - $100/wk
AM & PM - $125/wk
PM with Bus pickup - $125/wk
Apply Now
*Please note we have specific paperwork for children with Allergies or other special needs.
Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan (non-food)
Medical action plan Asthma
Medical Action plan Seizure
Food Allergy & Anaphlaxis Emergency care Plan